Saturday 10 June 2017

Wilson's Disease

Wilson's disease is a genetic disorder. It  was first described in 1854 by British Neurologist Friedrich Theodor Von Frerichs and is named after Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson. 

"When the body cannot metabolize copper, dangerously high level of the metal accumulate in liver, kidney, brain, bones and eyes. The appearance of brown or green rings in the eyes (Kayser-Fleischer rings) are the most obvious symptoms of the disease."

 Figure 1: Wilson's Disease-Brown or Green rings in the Eyes (Kayser-Fleischer rings)

 Figure 2: Kayser-Fleischer rings with  copper deposition in Descemet's membrane,  leading to brown discolouration at the outer margin of the cornea

Symptoms are typically related to the brain and liver. Symptoms usually begin between the ages og 5 and 35 years. males and Females are equally affected.
  • Brain 
  1. Yellow skin 
  2. Fluid build up in abdomen 
  3. Swelling of the legs
  4. Itchiness 
  • Liver
  1. Tremors
  2. Muscle stifness
  3. Anxiety
  4. Personality changes
  5. Trouple speeking
  6. Seeing / hearing thing

  1. Liver Failure
  2. Liver Cancer
  3. Kidney Problem

  1. Dietary changes: avoid high copper containing food. i.e., Mushrooms, nuts, chocolate, dried fruits, shellfish.
  2. Chelating agents: i.e., Trientine
  3. Zinc supplement: Zinc acetate
  4. Liver transplant

  1. Family history
  2. Physical examination : By using stethoscope to listen to sound related to the abdomen.
  3. Blood test: To check copper level in blood
  4. Urine tests: To check increase level of copper in urine by 24 hours
  5. Imaging test: MRI, CT scan

Tuesday 30 May 2017


  • Protect your heart
  • Strengthen bones
  • Control blood pressure
  • Block diarrhea

  • Prevent constipation.
  • Help hemorrhoids
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Combat cancer
  • Stabilize blood sugar
  • Strengthens
  • Saves eyesight
  • Combats cancer
  • Protects your heart
  • Controls blood pressure
  • Combats cancer
  • Prevents constipation
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Protects your heart
  • Helps hemorrhoids

  • Save eyesight
  • Protect your heart
  • Prevent constipation
  • Combat cancer
  • Promote weight loss

  • Protects against Prostate Cancer
  • Combats Breast Cancer
  • Strengthens bones
  • Banishes bruises
  • Guards against heart disease
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Controls blood pressure
  • Combats cancer
  • kills bacteria
  • Fights fungus
  • Protects against heart attacks
  • Promotes Weight loss
  • Helps stops strokes
  • Combats Prostate Cancer
  • Lowers cholesterol

  • Save eyesight
  • Conquer kidney stones
  • Combat cancer
  • Enhance blood flow
  • Protect your heart

  • Combats cancer
  • Protects your heart
  • Helps stops strokes
  • Promotes  weight loss
  • Kills bacteria
  • Heals wounds
  • Aids digestion
  • Guards against ulcers
  • Increases energy
  • Fights allergies

  • Combat cancer
  • Protect your heart
  • Control blood pressure
  • Smoothen skin
  • Stop scurvy

  • Controls blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Combats cancer
  • Strengthens bones

  • Protects your heart
  • Promotes Weight loss
  • Combats cancer
  • Battles diabetes
  • Smoothens skin.

  • Reduce risk of heart attack
  • Combat cancer
  • Kill bacteria(bactericidal)
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Fight fungal infections.

  • Support immune systems
  • Combat cancer
  • Protect your heart
  • Straighten respiration

  • Strengthens bones
  • Relieves colds
  • Aids digestion
  • Dissolves warts
  • Blocks diarrhea
  • Combat cancer
  • Protect your heart
  • Boost memory
  • Calm stress

  • Save your eyesight
  • Lift mood
  • Combat cancer
  • Strengthen bones

  • Protect prostate
  • Combat cancer
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Protect your heart

  • Lower cholesterol
  • Combat cancer
  • Boost memory
  • Protect against cardiovascular diseases

  • Quenches thirst
  • Combats cancer
  • Conquers kidney stones
  • Protects prostate
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Helps stops strokes
  • Controls blood pressure
  • Fights dehydration

  • Protect your heart
  • Prevent constipation
  • Prevent diarrhea
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Cushion joints

  • Battle diabetes
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Help stops strokes
  • Control blood pressure
  • Smoothen skin

The Power of a Exercise- Skin Glow

Many women experience acne well into their adult years. The problem is usually aggravated during summer for those with an oily skin texture.
  1. For all its many benefits, however, exercise can pose risk to your skin. Fortunately protecting your skin is easy.
  2. Workout increase the tones your muscles, get your blood flowing and makes your skin glow.
  3. A few quick round of Surya Namaskar removes toxins from the system and imparts a natural glow to the skin.
  4. Poor circulation restricts the blood and oxygen flow. The increase the risk of breakout in skin. Exercise helps clear acne by improving circulation.

Top 10 Power of a Yoga Asanas for Skin Glow 

  1. Padmasana
  2. Adho Mukha Svanasana
  3. Dhanurasana
  4. Halasana or Plough Pose
  5. Shavasana
  6. Pranayam
  7. Sarvangasana
  8. Shirshasana
  9. Utkatasana or Chair
  10. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

The Pretty-Skin Glow Drink Menu
  1. Every Day: 8-10 glasses of water
  2. Early Morning: Take 1 glass Green Juice and 1 latte with Soy Milk
  3. The Afternoon: Take 1 or 2 Cup Green Tea
  4. The Evening: Take 1 glass of Pomegranate Juice
  5. At Bed Time: Take glass of Infused Water with Cucumber

The Power of a Exercise: Quite Smoking

The Power of a Exercise: Quite Smoking
The Power of a Exercise: Quite Smoking
  1.  Exercise helps to reduce the urge for a Cigarette for those trying to quite.
  2. A brief workout increase Endorphins, is a form of stress relief, help with sleep at ninght and prevent weight gain.
  3. Most of the smokers who exercise while quitting recognize the benifits sooner than smokers who quite without exercising.
  4. People who do brisk walking or some other workout experience less stress, anxiety and fewer withdrawal symptoms when trying to give up smoking.

Temporary Side Effects of Quite Smoking 
  1. Restlessness
  2. Depression
  3. Irritability 
  4. Crankiness
  5. Difficult to Concentrate
  6. Anxiety
  7. Mood Swings
  8. Excitability


Natural Remedies to Help You Quite Smoking
  1.  Cayenne Pepper
  2. Ginger
  3. Ginseng
  4. St. John's Wort
  5. Peppermint
  6. Lobelia

The Power of a Exercise: Strengthen the Heart Muscles

Regular exercise helps to lower the build-up of plaque in arteries by increasing the concentration of, the "Good Cholesterol" like HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), and by decreasing the concentration of the "Bad Cholesterol" like LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), in the blood.
  • Lower BP reducing strain on the heart.
  • Increasing the good HDL Cholesterol that transport fat away from the arteries and back to the liver for processing.
  •  May reduce level to bad LDL Cholesterol that can away from fatty deposits in the arteries and contribute to heart disease.
Improved physical health helps to delay the spike in blood cholesterol level that commonly occurs with ageing. 

Exercise also prevents the onset of high blood pressure and also help it if one is already suffering from it. Thus, it enables the heart to work more efficiently.

Exercise for Strengthen the Heart Muscles 
  1. Spin Cycling 
  2. Yoga
  3. Walking

Handsome Man In Hotel With Boss

A handsome man went into a hotel and asked to see the boss. When the boss came, the story began. The client : Is room 39 empty? The boss:...