Tuesday 30 May 2017

The Power of a Exercise- Skin Glow

Many women experience acne well into their adult years. The problem is usually aggravated during summer for those with an oily skin texture.
  1. For all its many benefits, however, exercise can pose risk to your skin. Fortunately protecting your skin is easy.
  2. Workout increase the tones your muscles, get your blood flowing and makes your skin glow.
  3. A few quick round of Surya Namaskar removes toxins from the system and imparts a natural glow to the skin.
  4. Poor circulation restricts the blood and oxygen flow. The increase the risk of breakout in skin. Exercise helps clear acne by improving circulation.

Top 10 Power of a Yoga Asanas for Skin Glow 

  1. Padmasana
  2. Adho Mukha Svanasana
  3. Dhanurasana
  4. Halasana or Plough Pose
  5. Shavasana
  6. Pranayam
  7. Sarvangasana
  8. Shirshasana
  9. Utkatasana or Chair
  10. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

The Pretty-Skin Glow Drink Menu
  1. Every Day: 8-10 glasses of water
  2. Early Morning: Take 1 glass Green Juice and 1 latte with Soy Milk
  3. The Afternoon: Take 1 or 2 Cup Green Tea
  4. The Evening: Take 1 glass of Pomegranate Juice
  5. At Bed Time: Take glass of Infused Water with Cucumber

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