Friday 26 May 2017

The Power of a Exercise: Weight Loss

The Power of a Exercise: Weight Loss
Workout in the gym is a fun when you have friend around. It is a treat as you feel motivated to workout.

  • Long term weight management program that combine exercise with diet lead to more sustained weight loss than diet alone. In other word, when losing weight more physical activity increase the number of calories your body uses for energy or "Burns off".
  • Exercise also helps to combat the challenge of a slowing metabolism with age and more importantly, helps to reduce tendency to being-eat and cuts craving. Cardiovascular exercise like walking or running elevate your heart rate and the higher your heart rate, the more calories you will burns.
  • Moderate exercise can help stimulate the conversion of energy-storing 'White Fat' into energy-burning 'Brown-Fat'.

Top 7 Best Exercise techniques for Weight Loss

  1. Boxing or Kickbacks or Kick boxing
  2. Running or Walking
  3. Power Yoga
  4. Swimming  
  5. Boot Camp or Run in place with High Knees
  6. Bicycles or Biking
  7. Fitness classes

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